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Waste-to-energy Bolzano

1 risultati per Waste-to-energy

Hafner Energy from Waste Srl

  • Via Giuseppe di Vittorio 16, 39100 Bolzano
  • 0471566331
  • Aperto ora
Visit us on our social channels! The Hafner Slimline represents the latest state-of-the-art technology for energy recovery from the treatment of municipal or special waste.

HAFNER has been active for about 40 years in the field of waste incineration, with detailed experience in all facets of complex incineration plant development - from waste management techniques, to energy recovery in the form of hot water, steam and electrical ...

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Risultati per waste-to-energy a Bolzano. Le migliori imprese di waste-to-energy a Bolzano le trovi qui nella Directory Bolzano. Al momento è inserita un´impresa nell´elenco di aziende di Bolzano per la categoria waste-to-energy.