Neropaco di Cenedese Monica

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041 736801


Andromeda Arte Artigianato Chandelier Commercio Al Dettaglio Design Glass Handmade International Light Lighting Made In Italy Murano Murano Glass Sculpture

Descrizione dell´impresa

Andromeda: lighting creations in glass. Handmade in Murano – Venice – Italy. For professionals and amateurs. Passion, performance, and uncompromising experience are at your finger tips with new iPad app, Andromeda. .Always in tune with the unchanging benchmark of Murano glass-making creativity and excellence, the Andromeda application allows you to enter Andromeda’s universe and reveals to you all its secrets: history, expertise, know-how, new creations and exceptional collections, as well as bespoken installations revealed down to the last retail.

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