Servizio Mare SRL

(Nessuna recensione trovata)

Dati di contatto

0184 505123
0184 476384


Bunker Fül Bunker Fül San Remo Bunker Fül Sanremo Commercial Fül Diesel Duty Free Fül Fül Fül Dock Fül Sanremo Fül Suppliers Gasoline Imperia International Marine Fül Liguria Lube Oil Lube Oils Maintenance Service Marine Fül San Remo Marine Fül Sanremo Marine Fül Supply Marine Suppliers Mediterranean Bunker Fül Pompa Di Benzina Portosole Refülling San Remo Sanremo Ship Ship Provision Ship Provision San Remo Ship Provision Sanremo Ship Services Ships Supplying Tank Cleaning Trasporti Yacht Yacht Services Yachts Yachts Services

Descrizione dell´impresa

Servizio Mare, in Sanremo Portosole, is duty free fuel for commercial yachts lube oil and tank cleaning, domestic diesel and gasoline , lube oil duty free and duty paid, cleansing and aspiration of bilges and fuel tanks, cleansing of sewage and fresh water tanks, extraction of waste oils

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