Molino Gatti

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075 837336
075 837336
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Additive-Free Flour Additive-Free Food Farina Alta Qualità Farina Per Pizza Farina Senza Additivi Italian Flour For Pizza

Descrizione dell´impresa

Molino Gatti
Produce Farine di alta qualità Senza Additivi per pizza, pasticceria, pasta e pane. E' localizzato in Macchie di Castrilgione del Lago sulle meravigliose Rive del Lago Trasimeno.

Nature’s true flavours

Since 1959, the Gatti family has been using its experience and research into the ever-changing art of natural bread-making to produce additive-free flours, without adding vegetable gluten or enzymes to its flours, In order to produce the various kinds of flour, we have simply created a blend of various types of wheat, selected from sources using closely controlled methods of cultivation. In this way we are able to create blends of wheat sourced locally.

We carry out a preliminary test on our agricultural premises dedicated to the research and development of methods for sustainable agriculture. This enables us to then advise agricultural partner companies on the type of grain and method of cultivation, including the use of organic fertilizers. Our constant study and direct observation of cultivations enables our company to control and understand the properties of every kind of grain we mix.

This is the secret which has allowed Molino Gatti to produce completely natural flours for every 50 years.

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