Chibro SPA

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Dati di contatto

031 478 1800


Accessori Accessories Acciaio Al Carbonio Galvanizzato Acciaio Inossidabile Adduzione Attrezzature Bollitori A Gas Business E Service Caldaie A Condensazione Chibro Copper Cunipress Adduzione Cunipress Plumbing Drainage And Vacuum Systems Drainage Systems Energia Energy Equipments Exhibition Fiere Galvanized Carbon Steel Gas Heating Hermetic Passaggi Stagni Hermetic Water Tight Hydraulic Idraulica Naval Navale O-Ring Pannelli Solari Pipe Penetration Plumbing Pompe Di Calore Pressfitting Pressfitting Adduzione Pressfitting Plumbing Programma Fornitura Rame Range Riscaldamento Riscaldamento Radiante Scarico Sml Stainless Steel Steckdrain Strumenti Di Misura Ventilazione

Descrizione dell´impresa

CHIBRO's constant aim has been the customer's satisfaction. The group operates in the belief that such a target can only be attained through determined innovation and continuous improvement of our quality as well as efficiency standards. The quality pursued in the design, in the product and in the service, the standards demanded from our suppliers, the innovations that are continually proposed in order to improve the products, the ethic of its behaviour, the professionalism of its people are all measures for judging the validity of the group. On the industrial and commercial market the companies of the group, complying with the international rules and quality standards, obtained the ISO 9001 certificate. Their research and their development teams are dedicated to constantly improving both the products and the technologies. The results are not only put to companies' disposal within the group but also given to others. Another important aspect of the group's strategy is its capability and willingness to co-designing with customers. In view of this CHIBRO offers a team of experienced and capable people with a deep acknowledge of the problems involved with the several products. Main target of co-designing is to focus the best solutions concerning quality, manufacturing processes, production costs, efficiency of a product. When a customer chooses CHIBRO he knows he can rely upon a not common agility in technology, production and services. He knows he can rely upon professionals that will bestow him full assistance from design up to after sale.

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